My love, life of my life, these days I think of death, I mean about life. John Donne the English poet comes to my mind again and again. He called death a great leveller. But death, my love, I find it poor or rich, disgraceful or with dignity it all depends on who one is in life. But each creature on the earth refuses to die, no matter however insignificant its existence is considered to be by anyone. Each living thing wages a grand resistance against death. Even stars die, say the cosmologists, after shining for millions of years and galaxies collapse spreading over billions of years. But then remember my love, new stars take birth and baby galaxies sprout. My love, life of my life, these days I think of death, I mean about life. I still feel I am a young student of a learning campus after turning fifty and growing grey behind the bars. Nations fear of aging in the name of dwindling number of hands to work for their deathly glory. The Janus faced nations desire the death killing more people than nature can nurture. Nations imprison life in their deadly hubris. Death sentence is easier than living life a prisoner. In our beautiful land eking out a living has become more difficult than desiring death. Nations are prisonhouses encompassing death’s desire. Life is made more difficult than ease of doing business. Business has come to be death; nations are nothing but businesses in death. Even the earth dies one day along with its burning star the sun. But there must be many many earths with beautiful creatures like us floating in the infinite space. We don’t know them as yet. The world, my love, goes on oblivious of death as if it doesn’t exist. The Universe is humanised for to be history is to be human. Time is human; and to be human is to be life. My love, life of my life, these days I think of death, I mean about life because “I have a pact of love with beauty. I have a pact of blood with my people”. G.N. Saibaba 25th July 2018 (The last two lines are from Pablo Neruda in “Do not ask me” from his Songs of Protest)